Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 35

volume Number : 10
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 35

volume Number 10، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 35

Stylistics Satirical Poems of Dehkhoda

Sakenian Dehkordi (Author in Charge), Morteza Rashidi Ashgerdi , Mahboobeh Khorasani

The Era of Mashrotiat is one of the most remarkable of Persian literature development. In this period, satire literature especially satiric poetry, as one of the branches of literature was greatly developed. In this period the leading poets were emerged. Dehkhoda was one who worked hard to promote poetry. In this article, his poetry satire on the basis of the book of "theory, approach, and method of stylistics" by "Mahmood Fotoohi" was analyzed. The results showed the most of his poems have been in the content of social themes. The most frequencies of the indicators of the satire were: expression pattern (57%), speech pattern (34%), and themes (15%). This investigation showed that in the main indicator of expression pattern, subcategory of irony (32%) was more frequency. The indicators of disclosure (18%), sarcasm (10%) and hyperbole and abase (9%) were in the next steps. The indicators of contrary of appearing meaning (8%) and imperfections of individuals (7%) were also considerable. Dehkhoda has been benefited from the indicators of observe decorum and combining two different languages. The use of Persian sweet proverbs has been given certain richness to his satire poems. The used literary characteristics by Dehkhoda have totally been distinguished him from other poets in Mashrotiat"s Era. The results showed the irony style and disclosure are the main characteristics in satirical poems of Dehkhoda.

Dehkhoda , Stylistics of literature , Satire Poetry , Nature of satire

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